E-Liquid Cleanrooms
E-Liquid Cleanrooms
What are E-Liquid Cleanrooms?
For e-liquid and e-cigarette manufacturers, quality control, consistency and e liquid batching flavors in a contamination- free production environment is a must. The best way to maintain all those factors is to use a controlled environment, and this is easily accomplished with a e liquid Modular Cleanroom system. Advantages include:
- Contamination-free e-cigarette and vape production environment
- Quality control for e-liquid production
- Easily expanded or upgraded
- Quick installation
When Should E-Liquid Manufacturers Install Cleanrooms?
Vape juice and e-cigarette manufacturers should not wait to set up their clean rooms. If manufacturers wait for proposed FDA regulations to become law, they will find themselves rushing to put all of the necessary e-liquid quality control systems in place. Waiting until the last minute could force manufacturers to pay more for a quality control cleanroom system that is less than ideal. By choosing to be proactive now, e-liquid manufacturers give themselves time to research the best options for their clean room needs. That way, when the e-liquid regulations do become law and FDA regulators visit their facilities, e-cigarette manufacturers will be ready with their approved cleanrooms.
Modular E-Liquid Cleanrooms: Flexible, Custom Options
There is another reason why e-liquid manufacturers should not wait to install cleanrooms in their facilities. Cleanrooms by United offers a wide range of custom options for sanitary eliquid production. By choosing to install a cleanroom system now, you can take the time to work with our team to develop a e-liquid cleanroom that is custom tailored to your specific exact needs. Custom options for modular vape juice cleanrooms include:
- Lighting options
- Windows
- Doors/entryways
- Electrical options
- Ceiling grids
- Air showers
- Pass through chambers
- HVAC systems
- Fire suppression
- Guard rails
- Magnehelic pressure gauges
- Ultra violet safe windows and lighting
- Epoxy flooring, VCT or sheet vinyl with radius cove
- High speed roll up doors
- Raised access flooring
- Mezzanines
- 2 story
- Compressed air or DI water lines
We work closely with our customers to help them determine which e-liquid features will benefit them the most. If you’re not sure what type of cleanroom you need for your e-cigarette vape juice production needs, or which features you should select, don’t worry. Our team can offer guidance and insight to help you design an e-liquid cleanroom that will meet the needs of your facility and your employees.
Cleanrooms for E-Liquid and E-Cigarette Manufacturing
We have worked with several e-liquid companies already and have provided cost effective e-cigarette cleanroom solutions with little to no down time. A Hardwall Cleanroom may be suitable for some e-liquid production applications, while a Softwall Cleanroom may be the best option for e-cigarette vape juice bulk storage and filing. Based on the needs of our clients, we have added options like growing rooms, pass thru chambers and additional isolation areas to ensure production runs smoothly and effectively. A modular cleanroom for e-liquids not only ensures a superior product, but also prevents contamination and rejection rates. Cleanrooms by United can install a modular e liquid cleanroom quickly, without causing a large amount of disruption or downtime.
Our History
Since 1983, United has been providing our clients of various industries with custom design built cleanroom systems and isolation enclosures. This makes our clean room systems ideal for e-liquid, e-cigarette and vape juice manufacturers. Our team takes extraordinary pride in learning about new cleanroom applications and ways in which we can expand our services. Our reputation and the world class clients we serve attest to our company’s motivation for improved cleanroom innovation solutions.
What Does the Future Look Like for E-Liquid Manufacturers?
E-cigarettes have been around longer than most people realize. In fact, the first smokeless cigarette dates back to 1963. Because smoking was fashionable and permitted in most spaces in the 60s, there was no demand for a smokeless cigarette. But as the decades wore on, objections to smoking indoors and second hand smoke grew. Many cities passed laws banning smoking in restaurants, bars and other public facilities. Today, smokers in most cities must step outside if they want to light up.
40 years after the 1963 prototype was created, Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik patented the first e-cigarette. E-cigarettes, which allow smokers to inhale nicotine through an aerosol rather than smoke, offer smokers the ability to satisfy their nicotine cravings without producing smoke that irritates others. Additionally, because there were no laws stating that smokers could not use e-cigarettes, or “vape”, indoors, smokers were once again able to get their fix without leaving the party.
As a result, e-cigarettes and vaping have exploded in popularity. Lawmakers are scrambling to catch up. Just as no law prohibited the use of e-cigarettes indoors, there are currently no laws regulating the production of the liquids used in e-cigarettes (“vape juice”, “e-juice”, “e-liquid”). However, the Food and Drug Administration has proposed regulations that will impact manufacturers of e-liquids.
FDA Scrutiny of E-Liquids Manufacturers
FDA Researchers discovered “instances of poor quality control and significant variability in nicotine content when testing certain e-cigarette cartridges.”
The comment period for the proposed FDA rule closed on July 9th, 2014. The proposed rule states that the regulations will go into effect 24 months after the publication dates of the final rule. We do not yet know when the final rule will be published, but two years is not a lot of time. Getting up to speed with regulations can take time – and getting up to speed after regulations are in place can be extremely costly.
With the levels of federal scrutiny constantly increasing, it is essential for e-liquid and e-cigarette manufacturers to take a hard look at their manufacturing processes, and put necessary quality control systems in place. Modular cleanrooms are a key element of quality control.
Contact Cleanrooms by United Today!
Act now. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you set-up your e-liquid manufacturing cleanroom. Call us toll-free at 800.959.0878 or fill out our online quote form.