Wet Labs for Research & Testing

Wet Labs for Research & Testing

As implied by the name, wet labs deal directly with chemicals, liquids, and biological matter that would be classified as “hazards.” Wet room chambers offer a controlled environment. Similar to dry rooms, wet labs can be used for similar applications but often have stricter requirements.

Biological Safety Levels (BSLs) are an important metric for certifying these enclosures. While dry room enclosures utilize ISO, wet rooms use BSLs. Several different industries work in wet room enclosures, including life sciences, medical technology, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.

Contact us for more information regarding our BSL cleanroom options or call us at 800-959-0878, and we will gladly answer any questions that you may have. Cleanrooms By United is your trusted source for fully customized research biosafety labs.

What is the Difference Between Wet Labs & Dry Labs?

There are several factors that differentiate wet rooms and dry rooms. These variations provide a suitable environment for unique application requirements. While wet rooms are often used for manipulating chemicals, liquids, and biological matter, dry rooms are more focused on engineering, physics, or computation.

The main difference that separates a wet room from a dry space are the physical parameters within the room. Often wet labs will have increased plumbing capacity to accommodate for waste, and dry labs will have increased mechanical and electrical systems. A wet room will incorporate higher humidity levels, while a dry room will utilize a low humidity environment. Both room styles use varying temperature fluctuations depending on the application requirements.

Filtration Standards for BSL Wet Labs

Biological Safety Level (BSL) is a biocontainment classification system with constraints intended to prevent individuals from possible infection or exposure in a manufacturing or research setting. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lays out the 4 main BSLs, each level contains the necessary wet room design features, amount of exposure danger, and operational protocol.

Utilized in environments where the microbe present does not consistently cause disease, such as certain bacteria. Minimal PPE is required, laboratory benches are open, and doors separate the BSL-1 wet lab from the rest of the facility.
Utilized where moderately hazardous microbes are present, like influenza or HIV. Doors are self-closing to separate from the rest of the facility. Minimal PPE plus face shields is required, exhausted air may be filtered and negative-pressure containment is suggested, while work is generally conducted within biological safety cabinets (BSCs).
The BSL-3 wet room labs are utilized where foreign, possibly lethal airborne microbes are present, like tuberculosis. Wet labs at this level are separated from the facility behind two sets of doors. Immunizations may be required, PPE and respirators are recommended, exhausted air requires filtration, and all work is conducted in a BSC.
Utilized in high-risk applications, where transmission is airborne and infections are commonly fatal, such as the Ebola Virus. Wet room labs at this level are located in a separate building and require all material to be sterilized prior to exiting, including personnel to shower. Full body protective cleanroom suits are required, and everything is conducted in a Class III BSC.
BSL cleanroom facilities also follow a set of “standard microbial practices,” which include no cosmetics or perfumes, hands are frequently washed, gloves frequently changed, surfaces regularly cleaned, and no food and drink are allowed. Wet room entry/exit procedure and decontamination protocol are determined by the BSL level chosen.
Bio Safety Levels differ greatly from ISO cleanliness levels because they are measuring two different elements. Protection of an environment or individual from biological exposure (BSLs) as opposed to the protection of a susceptible sample from exposure or contamination (ISO).
Biosafety Lab Design Elements

Our biosafety labs are available in all Bio Safety Levels 1-4. All modular wet lab cleanrooms are built based on your design and specific biosafety level requirements.

Clean Room Design Custom Options Available

  • Specific materials for cleanroom standards compliance
  • Humidity & temperature control
  • HEPA or ULPA filtration with optional automated monitoring system
  • Insulated wall system for superior thermal control & easy sterilization
  • Recirculating airflow design
  • Temp & RH monitoring systems 

And so many more.  Vist the Cleanroom Design and Construction Options page to see common cleanroom equipment and design add-ons available.  Please Contact Us if you don't see what you need as all options are not listed.

Wet Lab BSL Cleanroom Engineering Requirements

Biosafety labs are designed and manufactured based on your project’s specific needs. Whether your design features are custom or standard, we will work with you to determine the correct specifications and BSL requirements for your project. Considerations and factors that we use to determine wet room requirements include:

  • Exact standards for humidity & temperature control
  • Available construction space within your facility
  • Internal heat load (equipment heat gains)
  • Room exhaust (CFM)
  • Wet room capacity

Additional customizable features include:

  • Dedicated Air handling systems
  • Fire suppression systems
  • Explosion proof lighting
  • Water resistant switches and outlets
  • FRP and Metal Clad finish
  • Sheet vinyl flooring with 6” radius cove

Learn more about our custom modular cleanroom options

Wet Lab Industries

Cleanrooms By United provides precision quality BSL cleanrooms to various industries throughout the United States and Mexico. All wet lab production is based on your exact layout specifications, delivering both standard and custom-engineered designs that fit your research, testing, incubator, or manufacturing needs. We work with a variety of industries, including:

Contact Cleanrooms By United for Custom Wet Labs Today

Are you looking for a custom or standard wet lab for your production needs? Cleanrooms By United delivers the best and most versatile modular biosafety labs available. We design all our wet rooms to meet your industry needs, offering custom layouts, square footage, and features depending on your application and necessary BSL requirements.

Request a quote or contact us to get started on your wet lab project today.